Books by Gadi Taub
The Settlers and the Struggle over the Meaning of Zionism (English). Buy this book
on Amazon.
Allenby Street (a novel, Hebrew)
What Would Have Happened Had We Forgotten Dov (Hebrew, short stories)
The Settlers and the Struggle Over the Meaning of Zionism (Hebrew)
A Dispirited Rebellion: Essays on Contemporary Israeli Culture (Hebew)
The Witch from 3 Melchett Street (Hebrew, a novel for young adults)
The Giraffe Who Liked to Feel Sorry for Himself (Hebrew, children)
The Deer Who Like Everything Clean (Hebew, children)
Things I Keep to Myself (Hebrew, children)
Things I Keep From Yael (Hebrew, children)
The Lion Who Thought He was a Coward (Hebrew, children)
Forthcoming in 2010:
Against Solitude Vol. 1 (Hebrew, essays)