Archive for August, 2006

Representation without Taxation – French Audacity in the Lebanon Crisis.

Sunday, August 20th, 2006

In the aftermath of the of the Cuban Missile crisis, when the French discovered NATO was an American-run show, they slammed the door and left the Alliance. Stephen Ambrose once memorably described the move this way: the French thought there should be no annihilation without representation. They had a case back then. But they stumbled […]

The Question is not Terrorism vs. Democracy. It is Chaos vs. Sovereignty

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

These latest attacks on Israel were explicitly aimed at preventing territorial partition. They seek to undermine the very logic of sovereignty, which is at the heart of the problem of the global struggle agaist terrorism. You’ll find some thoughts along these lines in this piece I did for The New Republic website. The struggle between […]

The “radical” left

Thursday, August 17th, 2006

The Hebrew version of this piece – The Arrogance behind the Radical Left – created a surprising splash here. I didn’t think the part Edward Said played in the misunderstanding of the war was a subject with such a large audience. But you never know. You can find the original Hebrew version here.Â